Tecumseh Township is located in southeastern Michigan in the county of Lenawee. The township covers an area of 13.407 square miles with a population of 2000.


See Info/Zoning page (here) for voting information


NOTICE of Public Hearing 

Public Notice for School Election Committee will be held on Thursday, 2/20/2025 at 1:00 pm. Click (here) for more info

NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Review for the Township of Tecumseh, County of Lenawee, will be in session at the Riverbend Friends Church, at 9500 Tecumseh-Clinton Hwy, Tecumseh, Michigan 49286 on the following dates:
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Thursday, March 13, 2025 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Click (here) for more info

A Public Hearing will be held on Monday April 8, 2024 at 7:30 P.M. One proposed zoning ordinance for Solar Power. The hearing will be held at Riverbend Friends Church 9500 Tecumseh-Clinton Tecumseh, Michigan.  The full language of the proposed ordinances can be viewed at the Township's website.

As required per Part 115, Solid Waste Management, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.
LENAWEE COUNTY intends to complete the MMP development as a SINGLE County plan. Please note that all materials management planning committee meetings are open to the public and notices of these meetings shall be found at the following: lenawee.mi.us. In addition, each municipality will receive notice and will have the meeting notices available as well.
Direct questions to Julie Maurer, Program Coordinator, Solid Waste Department, at 517-264-5263 or solid waste@lenawee.mi.us. 


Hearings are held at regular Township board meetings, details under info/zoning.


Solar Ordinance Planning Commission, details here

Change the 10-acre requirement for animals to 5-acres with restrictions. Full proposed ordinance language can be viewed here



The township board page (here) and the contact us page (here) have contact details.

If you have questions regarding zoning or township business, please contact the Supervisor.

If you have questions regarding property taxes or dog licenses, please contact the Treasurer.

For questions regarding absentee ballots or voter registrations, please contact the Clerk, after reviewing the voter information on the info page



For those of you that are new to our area and even those of you who are long time residents the following is a brief history of the beginnings and progress of Tecumseh Township.

In 1805 the "Michigan Territory" was established; with government report noting this territory to be "swamps and sand hills". Due to the energetic campaigning of Governor Lewis Cass, Easterners began to look at Michigan with new interest at the land available. In a Proclamation by Gov. Cass dated Sept. 10, 1822, the boundaries of Lenawee County, with the Townships of Tecumseh, Adrian and Blissfield were defined. This definition was approved by Legislative Acton April 12, 1827. The name Lenawee is said to be from a Shawnee word meaning "Indian".

It was thru the pioneering spirit and hard work of Musgrove Evans and His wife Abi, her brother Joseph W. Brown, and others that the first settlement was established in 1824 along the upper Raisin River and Named Tecumseh. The first Township meeting was held in the home of Joseph W. Brown. The location of the first house in this new settlement is presently marked by a large boulder and plaque on the East side of North Evans St. and just North of the river.

By 1837 the population had grown to 2,462. In 1869 a conflict occurred which resulted in the equal split of the lands of the township; the North half becoming Clinton Twp. and the South half remaining as Tecumseh Twp. At the time of the split population in Tecumseh Twp. dropped to 544 with the village having 2,039 residents. In 1954 once again the physical size and population of the Township decreased when the village incorporated and became a city.

The main industry continues to be Agriculture with an increasing popularity of people wishing to live in a "country setting". As of the 2010 census our population now numbers 1972 residents. We cover slightly over 13 square miles with our borders being Allen Rd. to the North, M-52/N. Adrian Hwy. to the West, West Russell Rd. and Shull Rd. to the South, and Hendershot Hwy. to the East.


Interested in serving on a Tecumseh Township board or committee?

If so please contact the Supervisor or attend a board meeting with what you might be interested in. We are always interested in hearing from residents who would enjoy working with the members of the board. It could be as an appointee to serve on one of the Boards or election work or on some fact-finding committees with other governmental entities. Contact any of the Board members if you have any other questions or comments or suggestions. We will be happy to assist you in any way that we can. At the same time let us know if there is something in particular that you would like covered in the future or on the website. Thank you.

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