Monthly Minutes
November 11, 2024 Tecumseh Township Board Minutes
Attendees: Supervisor Curt Brown, Treasurer Rick Bunch, Clerk Rita Roth, Trustee Michael Feight, Trustee Gerald Coulter, Attorney Michael Brooks
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Curt Brown. Supervisor Curt Brown led the attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guest Comments:
All Board members have reviewed the minutes from the October 14, 2024, meeting. There were no corrections or changes. Feight made a motion to approve, seconded by Bunch. Motion passed by voice vote.
Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Bunch distributed the Treasurer report for October. New bills were presented, which included the amended rate for emergency services from the City of Tecumseh. A motion was made for approval of bills by Feight, seconded by Coulter. Motion passed by voice vote.
Clerk's Report:
Clerk Roth shared unofficial election results regarding Tecumseh Township voter turnout for the November 5, 2024 general election. The township had a 73% voter turnout, which included 1,186 voters on election day and 191 early voters prior to election day. All 3 County renewal proposals passed and the Tecumseh Schools millage for the Sinking Fund passed. Details of election results can be found on the website. The Oath of Office for the new 4-year term which expires in 2028 was administered by Supervisor Brown to all board members.
Old Business:
A. Black Fire Winery, 1261 E. Munger Rd., has requested specifications needed for approval to allow luxury camping sites on this property. Jason Fischer submitted information in an email including pictures to support his plans for the campsites and a reference to a similar model campsite. Board members asked the township attorney to review the camping regulation ordinance with him and advised further review with the Health Department regarding septic requirements.
New Business:
A. Property Splits - Supervisor Brown advised of recent contact by property owners who are forwarding information and application for a property split and will present at a future meeting when received.
Building Inspectors Report:
Supervisor's Report:
Supervisor Brown discussed details of the Animal Ordinance and a request by the township attorney to pursue further legal action for violations. Coulter made a motion to approve, seconded by Feight. Motion passed by voice vote.
Open Discussion:
There being no additional business before the Board, Feight made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Coulter. The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.
Rita Roth, Clerk
Curtis Brown, Supervisor