
Board Meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7pm at:
    Riverbend Friends Church
    9500 Tecumseh - Clinton Hwy.
    Tecumseh MI. 49286
(No longer held at Masonic Hall)

Public Notice (click here)

The election committee will meet one month prior to each election immediately after the regular board meeting. If you need more information please contact one of the elected board members listed on the Township Board link above or use the Contact Us link above.

Voter Information



The Polling Location for Voters in Tecumseh Township is changed for the Presidential Primary on February 27, 2024 and all future elections. The new Voter location is 9500 Tecumseh-Clinton Road, at the site of the Riverbend Friends Church, Tecumseh. Parking and access to vote is located at the rear lower level of the building. Signage will be posted to direct voters to the proper entrance. An Absentee Voter Ballot Drop Box will also be available at this location.


Early in-person voting will be available beginning with the presidential primary in February 2024 and every statewide and federal election thereafter. The early voting site for Lenawee County will be at the Human Services Building, 1040 S. Winter St., Adrian, Michigan. The early voting site is open Saturday, July 27 thru Sunday, August 4, 2024, from 9a.m. to 5p.m. daily. ELECTION DAY VOTING WILL REMAIN AT THE TOWNSHIP LOCATION.


See Lenawee County website here for precinct canvass schedule


The Michigan Voter Information Center (MVIC) is a great resource for those seeking information on voter status, local ballot previews, statewide ballot proposals, registration information, absentee voting applications, Military and Overseas Voters (MOVE), and Uniformed and Overseas Voters (UOCAVA).

Application for Absent Voters Ballot should be sent to:

Tecumseh Township Attn: Clerk

P.O. Box 158
Tecumseh, MI 49286

How do I register to vote?


Zoning Ordinances and Map

Zoning Board hearings are scheduled as "on needed basis".  Board members are listed under the Board link above.

Tecumseh Zoning Ordinance Book (click here)

Animal Ordinance, 5-acres with restrictions (click here)

Tecumseh Zoning Map (click here)


Michigan Accessing

See Board page for Accessor contact info.

ECF (click here)

LAND VALUE (click here)


FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
Public Summary of Procedures, Guidelines and Request Form

FOIA Summary (click here)

FOIA Request Form (click here)


Building Inspector

Contact information and all building permit details are listed under Building link above.

Waste, Rubbish and Garbage Pick-up

Pick-up is a private agreement and pay expense, cost does vary. Offered recycling services (cardboard, glass, plastic newspaper) and also yard waste (leaves, grass etc) services. Provider to our township:

Stevens Disposal 734-279-2611

Household Hazardous Waste

Collections are periodically held at different points in the County sponsored by the Lenawee County Solid Waste Department. For additional information call 517-264-4546 or 517-263-3704

Burn Permits

Visit City of Tecumseh Fire Department at 101 E. Russell Road or Call 517-423-4545 Please note: A Burn Permit is required for outside burning of leaves, etc. If a fire call is initiated due to burning and a permit has not been obtained, the homeowner will be billed for the cost of the fire call. Effective 10/10/14 Tecumseh township residents do not have to go to the Tecumseh fire department and get a paper burn permit. We still require the permit but residents can call the fire department with the pertinent information and receive one.


Stevens disposal will pick up grass clippings and yard waste for a price from Tecumseh Township residents.

Tecumseh Township Residents can take brush (only brush) to 3505 Staib RD.

From Tecumseh-Clinton Hwy., then West on Staib Rd, will be 1/4 mile west on left side of Staib Rd.

24/7 recycling station for Tecumseh Township residents

The Raisin Township hall recycling center is now closed. Other County recycling locations are still open.

DUMP DAYS - 2023 

May 20th
October 14th  
8:00am-12:00(noon), collection location is 3266 Gady Rd - Enter off Gady Rd East of Occidental  
Although not considered an all-inclusive list, these are examples of what we will accept at our collection site: 
Refrigerators, Freezers, Air conditioners  Trash and junk, plastic Batteries, Wire fence    Open, water based, dried out paint cans Mattresses and bed springs    Furniture (couches, chairs, etc) Old items containing steel, and other metals  Lawn mowers, Bicycles, Air compressors Electronics        Tires-Fee of $5.00 per tire, $25.00 per large         tractor tire
Hazardous Materials, oil, gasoline or similar products, oil based paint, building materials, burn barrels or ashes, propane tanks, grass, leaves, twigs and brush. 


Fire coverage is contracted through the City of Tecumseh and police coverage is by the Lenawee County Sheriffs Department.

Habitat for Humanity ReStore

ReStore is a building materials resale store offering various donated surplus and gently used items at significantly reduced prices. Many retailers and builders from around the county donate quality merchandise perfect for use when remodeling, repairing or redecorating.

ReStore is operated by Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County, and all proceeds from sales go into the HFHLC building fund in order to continue their efforts in constructing simple, decent and affordable housing for qualified families in Lenawee County.

ReStore also helps regenerate environment by accepting reusable materials that might otherwise be discarded in a landfill. Feel free to stop in and shop, or drop off your tax-deductible donation. Phone 517-266-0746


Call the Tecumseh Senior Center at 517-423-5939
Volunteers will be delivering in Tecumseh and surrounding areas.

Drivers need a valid license and proof of insurance. Mileage reimbursement available and lunch provided to drivers


Telephone weather notification system

We are pleased to inform everyone that the county-wide CodeRed emergency weather notification system is now live. Residents and business can go to the website listed below, find the codeRed logo with a "click here" button that will take you automatically to the registration window. It only requires a couple of minutes to become registered on the system. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this service that is being paid for by a Homeland Security grant.

Share this important information with colleagues and family members so they are able to take advantage of this service.

Code Red

  • CodeRed messages can be sent to home phones as well as cellular devices.
  • It is geographically targeted * only those included in a defined watch or warning area will receive notifications.
  • You may select or deselect the types of watches or warning you wish to receive.
  • You can not receive this system if you are not registered.
  • Private homes as well as businesses can be registered on the system.
  • your personal information will not be used for any other purpose!
  • Encourage parents to register their childrens phones.
  • have a plan in place if the family needs to seek refuge from an approaching storm.
  • If you have loved ones or neighbors that do not have computer access, volunteer your assistance to get them registered.

Be safe, be prepared, have a plan!

County, Cities, Townships resources

Michigan State Government resources

United States Government resources




Dial 911 for

Fire, Rescue, or Police.

Non Emergency: Call 517-263-0524 for Lenawee County Sheriff.