Road Repairs


Road projects for 2024

Dillingham Dr. - repaving
Stone Rd. - adding stone

Maintaining Roads

The process for road maintenance:

  1. Newly paved road.
  2. Crack & seal. (cracks only sealed with tar & stone)
  3. Seal coat - Tar & stone on complete road. This process could be done twice depending on the condition of the road.
  4. Repave or cap.
  5. Crack & seal second time.
  6. Seal coat second time.
  7. Remove existing (mill out) and repave.

The above process allows our roads to be maintained in a safe condition for automobiles at the lowest cost to our residents. We have spent $86,000 per year on average for the five years approximately 2010-2015. To avoid any seal coating with tar & stone and yet maintain our roads in a safe manner, we would need to increase our operating taxes by at least 2 mills per year. We as a board feel our current method is the most effective. But, we are interested in your thoughts & comments.

For any comments regarding road situations within the Township, please contact Township Supervisor or Township Road Contact on the board page.

For more information about roads in Lenawee County, please go to the Lenawee County Road Commission site: